Saturday, January 26, 2013

Itachi Uchiha

Itachi Uchiha


Ever since his first appearance, Itachi had always been inscrutable. Flashbacks showed that he used to be a compassionate brother, but his initial appearances depicted him as an Akatsuki criminal interested in the organisation's success and secrecy before all else. Later his interest in Akatsuki was revealed to be an act, and his true intentions for joining the organisation were to spy on it from within. Nonetheless, Itachi and his partner, Kisame, cooperated better than most Akatsuki partners, and despite the differences in personalities, appeared to have mutual respect for one another.
While a member of Akatsuki, Itachi possessed incredible control of his emotions, only showing surprise when opponents proved more powerful than expected, and even then did not lose his composure.

Itachi was shown to be highly intelligent: something even Tobi acknowledged. He was sharp, observant, and intuitive, being rarely caught off guard or deceived. Itachi had great foresight; his foreknowledge of Sasuke's victory against Deidara, his own pre-meditated death by Sasuke's hand, and the implantation of the "Kotoamatsukami" (the ultimate genjutsu granted by Shisui Uchiha's Mangekyo Sharingan) inside Naruto were some examples seen.

However, while Itachi was a powerful shinobi, he was not arrogant, and complimented his opponents at times on their abilities. After his death, Itachi realised that he should not have tried to deal with Sasuke on his own and encouraged Naruto to never forget his friends. Likewise, Itachi took no enjoyment in violence or combat, instead preferring to avoid battle or, if not possible, end it as quickly as he could.


Even at a young age, Itachi was talented, and his teachers said his progress hardly required any help. In his battles, Itachi was shown to be an immensely powerful ninja and gained praise from allies and foes alike.

1. Taijutsu

Itachi possessed high-level taijutsu skills despite not specialising in it. Itachi was also noted to possess good reflexes and speed, particularly with his hand movements. This extended to collectively weaving both hand seals and throwing weapons, making it appear as if he could perform his techniques without seals; even skilled Sharingan users like Kakashi and Sasuke had difficulty seeing his movements.

2. Ninjutsu

Itachi was a master of the Sharingan, and had great prowess with all of the three main types of techniques. Itachi's signature moves were techniques that involved the usage of crows, able to summon a large flock of them and use them both in his ninjutsu and genjutsu. This is seen primarily with his creations of clones which dissolve into crows, and crows that hide as shuriken. He could also create explosive clones.
Traditional to the Uchiha clan, Itachi could use Fire Release techniques, and he could combine his proficient weapon skills with his fire attacks. He was also proficient with Water Release, able to perform them without an already existing water source.

As a fully-trained Konoha ANBU, Itachi was also proficient in kenjutsu (sword technique).

2.1 Shuriken Techniques

Even in his youth, Itachi could perfectly hit an intricate set of nine targets, one of which was hidden in a blind-spot, by accurately deflecting one kunai off another to ensure they struck their mark.
He could also infuse shuriken with fire for a devastating two-fold attack.

3. Eye Techniques

3.1 Sharingan

Itachi was a true successor of the Sharingan, developed and mastered by the age of eight. He reached the stage where he could even have his Sharingan activated for extended periods of time, with minimal drain on his chakra levels.

Itachi was especially praised for his skills in genjutsu, such as casting one by merely pointing at someone or turning opponents' genjutsu against them.
With the Sharingan, Itachi reached the point where he could use of one of the Uchiha clan's ultimate eye techniques, Izanami, and also understood its counterpart, Izanagi.

3.2 Mangekyo Sharingan

Itachi possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, which enabled him to use his most powerful techniques. With his left eye, he could use Tsukuyomi, a genjutsu that trapped opponents' minds in an illusory world, torturing them for what felt like days in a matter of seconds. With his right eye he could use Amaterasu, which created controllable black flames that could burn anything, including fire itself. His final technique was Susanoo, a technique that used both eyes to create a spectral being. It wielded the Sword of Totsuka, an ethereal sword with the ability to seal anything it pierced into the gourd that served as its hilt, and Yata Mirror, a shield that could reflect any attack. With the Susanoo also came his most powerful long-ranged attack: the Yasaka Magatama.

4. Intelligence

Itachi has been shown to be analytical and perceptive, being able to deduce the inner workings and weaknesses of powerful techniques, even while under pressure.
On top of his perceptive skills, Itachi possessed skill in deception due to Itachi's ability to read people's feelings, and this made him a ninja of lies up until his death.

Itachi sealing his power within Sasuke during the final moments of their battle

Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan

Itachi's Sharingan

Itachi's skill in shurikenjutsu

Itachi using fireball jutsu

Itachi choking Sasuke with one hand

Itachi's usage of crows in genjutsu
Itachi's appearance after joining Akatsuki

Itachi poking Sasuke - something he did regularly

Itachi's Susanoo

Itachi shedding tears as he leaves Sasuke
Yasaka Magatama

Itachi imparts his final words to his brother:
"you don't have to forgive me"..."no matter what you decide to do from now on"..."..I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER"

Yasaka Magatama

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