Sunday, February 24, 2013

Minato Namikaze

Minato Namikaze


When Minato was in the Academy, his class-mate and future wife Kushina Uzumaki thought that he looked "unreliable" and even "girly". He dreamed of being acknowledged by the Konoha villagers by becoming the Hokage, which Kushina considered to be an impossible dream for someone like him.

Years later, however, when Kushina was kidnapped by ninjas from the clouds, Minato was the only one to pick up on the fact that she was leaving behind strands of her red hair to mark their path. After rescuing her, Minato explained that he had always admired her hair. No longer seeing him as "unreliable", she fell in love with him.

According to those who knew him personally, Minato was a very talented ninja prodigy — a rare genius that appeared only once in a generation. He graduated from the Academy at the age of ten, and was added to a genin team under the tutelage of Jiraiya, who took a special interest in Minato, and took him on as an apprentice, amongst other things teaching him the Summoning Technique. He even believed Minato might be the "Child of the Prophecy", someone who would someday save the world.

Konoha's Yellow Flash

In time, Minato was put in charge of a genin team of his own, consisting of Rin Nohara, Obito Uchiha, and Kakashi Hatake. During the Third Shinobi World War, Minato led his team on a mission to destroy the "Kannabi Bridge"(During the Third Shinobi World War, this bridge was a vital pathway to "Hidden Stone Village's" line of supply). Because Kakashi had recently become a jonin, Minato gave leadership of the mission to Kakashi while he went to help Konoha's forces on the front lines.
After meeting up with the surviving and out-numbered Konoha ninja, Minato used his        "Flying Thunder God Technique"(that technique allows the user to transport themselves to a marked location in the blink of an eye. This technique was the reason behind his nickname, "Konoha's Yellow Flash") to kill ninjas from the Stone. He then returned to his team, just in time to save Kakashi and Rin from another group of Iwa forces, but was too late to save Obito. When Kakashi and Rin recovered from the ordeal, Minato helped them complete the mission.

Before becoming Hokage, Minato clashed with A on several occasions. There, Minato and A had a clash of speed with Minato almost severely injuring the future Raikage before B intercepted the attack. Upon receiving the signal that Konoha was retreating for the time being, Minato lingered to praise B's bravery and told A that he had a good family and followers surrounding him as he did, and also offered A the advice of making sure his brother knew who he was before he became neither human nor jinchuriki.

Minato then declared that the next time they met, it would be to put the title of "Kage" on the line. Not one to allow his enemy to escape so easily, A attempted to attack Minato before he left. Believing that Minato would teleport to one of his special kunai, A was shocked to see Minato appear behind his brother before realising that Minato had marked him earlier. Impressed by the fact that B had reacted fast enough to pull one of his swords on him, Minato praised B for his skills.

Fourth Hokage

Minato, not yet thirty years of age, was chosen to become the Fourth Hokage. While Kushina was pregnant, he read Jiraiya's first book and liked the main character's determination — whom he believed to be just like Jiraiya — decided to name their son "Naruto" in the hopes that he would be just like the main character. 

Soon after Naruto was born. the masked man took Naruto hostage, threatening to kill him. Minato was able to take Naruto back, but this gave his opponent the chance to escape with Kushina to break the seal of the nine-tails. By the time Minato found a safe place to put Naruto and then teleported to Kushina, he spirited her to safety just as the freed Nine-Tails was about to kill her. With Kushina looking after Naruto, Minato heads to Konoha to defend it from the Nine-Tails.

Minato arrived in the early stages of the Nine-Tails' attack. After protecting the village from the beast's Tailed Beast Ball by erecting a barrier and sending the attack elsewhere, Minato tried to reach the Third Hokage to inform him of what had happened, but was stopped by the masked man, who tried to warp him away with Kamui. However, Minato flew to another of his kunai, and was quickly followed by his opponent.
When the two began fighting, Minato realised that the battle would be decided by speed, and by carefully timing his Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato was able to strike the masked man with a Rasengan and apply the Flying Thunder God Technique seal on his back as well. This allowed him to teleport directly to the masked ninja and uses a "Contract Seal" to sever the ninja's hold on the Nine-Tails before he could escape. (Naruto chapter 502) and (Naruto chapter 503).

When Minato returned to the ruined village, he summoned Gamabunta(the chief toad of Mount Myoboku) to hold down the Nine-Tails long enough to teleport it away from the village to Naruto and Kushina's location. Kushina then restrained it with her chakra chains and erected a barrier so that the beast could not escape. Despite knowing that the trauma of resealing the Nine-Tails in her weakened body would kill her, she volunteered to do it so the Nine-Tails would die with her. Minato however disagreed, and instead decided that he would use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal on the Nine-Tails to weaken it and then seal the rest into Naruto.

Kushina objected since this would mean Minato's death and leave Naruto orphaned. Minato insisted it was for the best since allowing the Nine-Tails to resurrect itself, without a jinchuriki to contain it, would inevitably cause harm to Konoha and the Fire Country. Also, Minato was convinced that Naruto was the "Child of the Prophecy" Jiraiya had once told him about and would need the Nine-Tails' power to someday defeat the masked man. After Minato used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal away the beast's Yin chakra, the Nine-Tails realised their intentions and tried to kill Naruto, but Minato and Kushina used their bodies to shield him.
(Naruto chapter 504)

While Kushina gave her final words to Naruto, Minato summoned Gerotora(a scroll toad from Mount Myoboku), gave him the key to the seal he would use on Naruto, and sent him to Jiraiya. After Kushina told Naruto how much his parents loved him he seconds everything she says and then sealed the Nine-Tails and the rest of their chakra into Naruto so that they would be able to see him again when he was older, ending their lives. Since the Third Hokage had come to help, Minato used his last moments to request that Konoha think of Naruto as a hero, and not the container of the monster that caused so much death and destruction. Before he died, he sealed the rest of their remaining chakra into Naruto so that they could someday see him again too, specifically if ever the seal was about to break so that they could restore it, or help him control Nine-Tails' power.


1. Taijutsu

One of Minato's trademark attributes was his immense speed and instantaneous reflexes, He is often referred to throughout the series as the fastest shinobi who ever lived.
When fighting, he mainly employed the use of his unique kunai, wielding them proficiently and taking advantage of their particular form, which made them even more suitable for close range combat than standard kunai.

2. Ninjutsu

2.1 Rasengan

Minato spent three years creating the Rasengan by observing the Tailed Beast Ball. It is the highest level of shape transformation and it does not require hand signs to be performed. Instead, using a concentration of spinning chakra in the form of a sphere in the user's palm, immense damage is inflicted to its target upon contact. As its creator, Minato had great mastery over the Rasengan, able to form it with one hand and his standard version — at one point — being larger than the Rasengan used by other characters(roughly the size of the Big Ball Rasengan). The lack of elaborate preparations needed for the Rasengan gave Minato an advantage over other technique users in battle. For example, in his fight with Tobi, he is able to form a Rasengan right after throwing his marked kunai at him, allowing Minato to land a devastating blow immediately after performing the Flying Thunder God Technique.

2.2 Space–Time Ninjutsu

Minato was famous for his unique space–time technique, the Flying Thunder God Technique, which essentially allowed him to teleport to any location with untraceable movements Minato had through the use of special seals. By throwing kunai that had the seal attached to them behind enemy lines, Minato could wipe out an entire platoon in the blink of an eye. Minato could teleport to his special kunai even as it travelled through the air. He was also capable of applying the seal to solid surfaces with his bare hand, allowing him to tag opponents and give himself an easy way to track and reach them. He also incorporated this seal formula into Kushina's seal so he could always come to her aid, at any time.

For defensive use, Minato was capable of implementing space–time barriers to counter large attacks such as a Tailed Beast Ball, sending the blast to a distant area away from the village(Naruto chapter 502 page 7). He was even able to teleport things as large as the Nine-Tails itself, albeit at the cost of a large portion of his chakra due to the beast's immense size.
(Naruto chapter 503 page 11) and (Naruto chapter 503 page 12)

2.3 Fuinjutsu(Sealing Techniques)

Minato was very knowledgeable in fuinjutsu, partially due to Kushina teaching him some of the Uzumaki clan's unique sealing techniques. He knew the full capabilities of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal and was aware that he could not completely seal all of the Nine-Tails' chakra within the death god. Minato could also remove an opponent's ability to use the Summoning Technique.

The greatest example of his prowess with fuinjutsu is the seal used on Naruto, placing two Four Symbols Seal to create the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, which would allow small amounts of the Nine-Tails' chakra to leak out and naturally mix with Naruto's own.

2.4 Summoning Technique

In his youth, Jiraiya taught Minato how to use the Summoning Technique to summon toads. He was able to summon Gamabunta, showing considerably large reserves of chakra in doing so, and was one of the few people that Gamabunta would willingly cooperate without hesitation. He could use the Summoning: Food Cart Destroyer Technique for a devastating surprise attack that could even pin powerful large targets like the Nine-Tails down.

3. Intelligence

Minato was shown to be very intuitive and clever from a young age. Of the many ninja sent out to save Kushina from her Kumogakure kidnappers, Minato was the only one to notice the trail of hair she was leaving. During difficult events, he was still capable of maintaining his composure, assessing the situation, and devising appropriate plans of action.

During his skirmish against Tobi, he was able to determine that his opponent didn't want to drag on their fight as he could not keep Kurama summoned for very long, as well as quickly ascertain a method of counter-attacking. Using this information, he was able to take advantage of Tobi's haste to not only wound him, but also remove his control over the beast as well.

Minato as an Academy student
Minato rescuing Kushina
Team Minato
Minato vs A
Minato and Kushina
Minato defeats the masked man
Minato using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal
Minato and Kushina protecting Naruto from the Nine-Tails
Minato during the Third Shinobi World War
Minato saving Kakashi

Minato demonstrating the dynamic creation of a Rasengan
Minato's special kunais
The key to the Nine-Tails' seal
Minato summons Gamabunta to stop Kurama

Minato Namikaze

Kakashi Hatake

Kakashi Hatake


Kakashi became more stern and serious after his father's death, he was also very aloof and apathetic to others especially his team-mate Obito who was always late for their missions and would come in tow with a grand excuse. This caused Obito to resent Kakashi, the dynamics between the two would soon change after Obito was mortally wounded during the Third Shinobi World War, with Kakashi and Obito becoming closer friends after Rin was abducted.

Though his childhood was riddled with numerous despairs that took those dear away from him, one being the death of Rin by his own hand, Kakashi is on the best terms with his childhood friends: Guy, Asuma, and Kurenai, his students and generally with everyone in Konoha to a lesser extent. His devotion to his friends and the rest of Konoha were the motivation to perfect both the Chidori, and its enhanced version Lightning Cutter.
After the formation of Team 7, Kakashi begins taking a special interest in his students' development, especially in the case of Naruto and Sasuke whose rivalry reminded him of his relation to Obito. 

Kakashi has an ongoing, albeit one-sided, somewhat childish rivalry with Guy. In trying to prove himself superior to Kakashi, Guy challenges him to competitions of questionable value ranging from Rock, Paper, Scissors to running races.

Kakashi is an avid fan of the "Icha Icha" series of novels by Jiraiya, revealing a perverted side. He is typically seen reading one of the books in his spare time, making it the only one of his reportedly several hobbies that is ever seen in the series. He even went and read it during his first bell test with the newly formed Team 7 as he deemed Naruto too weak of a threat. However, during the second bell test with Naruto and Sakura, Kakashi lost to his students when his love for the book series was used against him and he was forced into covering his ears and closing his eyes to avoid being told the ending of the latest instalment he had yet to read at the time.


1. Taijutsu

Kakashi is very adept in taijutsu. In the anime, as a child, he was skilled enough to draw out his sensei Minato Namikaze in his bell test, managing to touch one of the bells.
He has also impressive speed, his battle prowess and speed allow him to effectively catch his opponents off-guard to quickly strike them down and easily evade attacks.
His hand seal prowess has also been noted as being very great, able to perform them at highly difficult speeds to follow.

2. Ninjutsu

Kakashi primarily relies on his mastery of ninjutsu, of which he has a vast arsenal due to his Sharingan; being noted to have copied over a thousand techniques, the number has continuously been growing through his many battles. With this arsenal, he can attack or defend against his opponents in numerous manners. Kakashi is also able to summon a pack of "ninja hounds" to aid him in battle.

2.1 Nature Transformation

In addition to the enormous number of techniques he is purported to know, he is also proficient in several nature transformations. He has a natural affinity for Lightning Release, which he mastered before even becoming a jonin. It became so advanced that it is an attribute enemy ninja identify him by. His prowess with Water Release techniques is such that he can match specialists like Zabuza Momochi and perform them without a nearby water source. He has used Earth Release techniques, able to move fast and unnoticed underground or produce large and intricate earthen walls rather quickly. He has also shown considerable skill in Fire Release techniques, and he is otherwise at least knowledgeable enough to train others in Wind Release.

3. Genjutsu (Illusionary Techniques)

While used less often, he has also shown skill in genjutsu, His skill in its usage is able to easily deceive most opponents with well-timed diversions, giving his opponents little chance to counter.

4. Dojutsu (Eye Techniques)

4.1 Sharingan

Kakashi's most distinguishing ability is the Sharingan in his left eye-socket that was originally part of Obito Uchiha. Since the eye got transplanted into him, Kakashi's ability to copy nearly any technique used against him gave him the nickname "Copy Ninja Kakashi while utilising many of the Sharingan abilities including genjutsu, seeing through deception, and predicting his opponent's next move.

However, because he is not an Uchiha, Kakashi is unable to deactivate it, keeping it covered until needed so not to risk his Sharingan using up a massive amount of chakra that would force him to take an extended bed rest. Because of this, Kakashi only relies on it when he feels it is an absolute necessity.

4.2 Mangekyo Sharingan

Kakashi awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan after killing Rin Nohara, with it he can perform Kamui: a technique that creates a space-time barrier in the form of a swirling void that sucks any target he focuses his eye on to another dimension and also bring them back; even transporting them to a new location. Originally, Kakashi lacked proper control to accurately hit his target. His skill and aim later improved greatly, able to successfully warp small, fast-moving, or multiple targets in rapid succession as seen against Pain, and Sasuke respectively. Even Obito, who mastered his variation of Kamui, openly acknowledged Kakashi's great skill with the technique.

5. Intelligence

Repeatedly, Kakashi has proven himself to be a very shrewd and resourceful man. By a quite young age, Kakashi had enough experience on the battlefield to detect a hiding enemy's presence, impressing his sensei, Minato.
His instincts also allow him to calmly effectively perceive and react to any incoming danger.

Kakashi has also shown repeatedly to be a highly capable teacher. He has come up with various unorthodox methods to help his students produce impressive leaps in their abilities in weeks what would normally take months if not years of intense training.

The official team photo for Team 7
Kakashi's first use of Chidori
Kakashi's obsession with the Icha Icha series
Kakashi using Rasengan
Kakashi using Lightning Cutter
Kakashi's Sharingan
Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan
Kakashi's ninken
Kakashi vs Zabuza
Kakashi uses Kamui on Deidara in an attempt to remove his head
Kakashi vs Pain
Kakashi falls against Pain
Kakashi saves Sakura from Sasuke's attack

Kakashi Hatake

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Obito Uchiha

Obito Uchiha


In his youth, Obito was constantly late, which, more often than not, was due to the good deeds he had stopped to do, which usually had to do with aiding the elderly.
Obito was in love with Rin; but his feelings were not mutual as Rin was attracted to Kakashi instead. Obito was frustrated by this, and envied Kakashi's prodigious skills, and so constantly sought to surpass him. Although these efforts usually ended in failure, he was able to spend time with Rin while she treated his injuries. Ultimately, Obito would never get the chance to reveal his feelings to Rin before his "death".
Even after "dying", Obito still cared deeply for his friends and village, and immediately wanted to return to see them again. However, upon witnessing Kakashi taking Rin's life, Obito's determination shattered, and his personality forever changed.

By the time he became an adult, conditioned by Madara to continue his work, Obito's personality changed drastically as he became extremely focused, calm and serious. 
From his former loyalty and care that seems to be derived from the Will of Fire(to those who possess the Will of Fire, everyone is family. The desire to protect one's family builds thicker and stronger bonds between each and every one in the village, he now claims to have inherited the Uchiha clan's Curse of Hatred (when an uchiha that has known love loses it, it turns into an even stronger hate and changes that person) with the entire world itself as the object of his loathing. This conviction became increasingly stronger to the point of Obito no longer caring for his well being, stating he is nobody and that nothing matters to him besides the Eye of the Moon Plan(Madara Uchiha's ultimate plan to create an idealistic world).

This lack of empathy includes those close to him, attacking Minato and Kakashi without hesitation if he ended up killing them as he believes once the Eye of the Moon Plan is completed he can just revive them along with Rin. Only his love for Rin remained, his desire to see her again becoming the motivation for his actions.


1. Taijutsu

Obito is very skilled with taijutsu. He have a very fast reaction time and reflexes.
After awakening his Sharingan, his hand-to-hand abilities improved as he was better able to read and now even predict his opponents movements. He mostly achieves this by using his hand-to-hand combat in tandem with his space-time technique to allow opponents to phase through him and then quickly counter using the elements of surprise and confusion.

Obito has displayed a high level of speed, even without his Kamui.
As an adult, Obito's speed was great enough that he was able to keep up with Naruto in his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

2. Ninjutsu

2.1 Nature Transformation

Obito using Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.
As a member of the Uchiha clan, Obito is well-versed in Fire Release techniques, which he was able to use quickly, as seen during a mission where he demonstrated in a fast use of the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.

Obito gained the ability to use Wood Release after acquiring artificial limbs created from Hashirama Senju's cells.
Obito could also produce smaller roots from one of his arms, and use them to restrain and constrict his opponents.

2.2 Bukijutsu (Weapon Techniques)

As an adult, Obito has been shown wielding various weapons throughout the series. During the Fourth Shinobi World War he began carrying the war fan that Madara Uchiha was known to use during his life. Attached to the gunbai was a chain that was connected to Obito, which allows him to use his fan in a similar manner to a flail, as an alternate means of attacking, and defending, as well as a method to get within proximity to absorb his enemies. The gunbai is also extremely durable, enough to block a Rasengan without any visible damage to it.

In his fight with Minato Namikaze, he used a long chain attached to braces on his wrist, resembling shackles. They were used in conjunction with his ability to become intangible, first by allowing the adversary to harmlessly pass through his body before solidifying once again as they emerge from the other side, restraining them with the trailing chain. (Naruto chapter 502, pages 13-14).

2.3 Shuriken Technique

As an Uchiha, Obito is proficient in the use of shuriken techniques and wields a set of giant shuriken of varying sizes stored in the other dimension.

3. Dojutsu (Eye Techniques)

3.1 Sharingan

When Obito first awakened his Sharingan it already had two tomoe and he was able to take immediate advantage of it despite his inexperience. His eye gained three tomoe after witnessing Rin's death, moments before his Mangekyō Sharingan awakened.

Like Madara, Obito can use his Sharingan to place tailed beasts under his control, this control being more effective on a single target, with some difficulty when controlling more than one at the same time, allowing the beasts to temporarily break free in such instances.

3.2 Mangekyo Sharingan

Obito awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan after witnessing Rin's death at the hands of Kakashi.
With his Mangekyo Sharingan, he is able to perform his space-time ninjutsu, Kamui.
This ability grants Obito the use of two distinct abilities: teleportation, and another best described as "intangibility". The eye serves as a gateway to another dimensional space, which he can instantly send parts of his body to and bring back from. This causes him to seem "intangible" in the original dimension; when struck, attacks pass right through him.

The second part of his Kamui is to travel long distances within relatively short time. While he is usually seen using this ability on himself, he can teleport anyone by making physical contact with them. Once teleported the targets are forced to stay there until he chooses to release them.  When being transported in this way, the target appears to be sucked into his right eye. Obito must remain solid while this teleportation is used, and it takes longer to absorb himself than it does someone or something else.

3.3 Rinnegan

Obito implanted Madara's Rinnegan, taken from Nagato's corpse, into his left eye socket in preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War. With the Rinnegan, Obito can summon the Gedo Mazo(the empty vessel of the Ten-Tails).

Obito makes use of the Six Paths of Pain, with his particular Paths being chosen from the reincarnated jinchūriki, embedding chakra receivers in their bodies which allows him to manipulate them. Each one also has the same eyes as he does (a right Sharingan and a left Rinnegan), allowing him to see what they see and coordinate their movements.

As a wielder of the Rinnegan, Obito also has access to the Six Paths Technique.
Following this he can use the Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique which can revive an individual at the cost of his own life, which he noted to be key to reviving Madara as a living individual and not a reincarnated body.

4. Intelligence

As an adult, Obito is an observant and sharp thinker, capable of reading through deception. He can formulate complicated plans well in advance and accurately predict how others will act in a given set of circumstances. Even on the rare occasions where Obito is caught off-guard he is capable of creating counter-strategies while maintaining a calm and composed demeanour. He is flexible when the situation calls for it, using alternate means to achieve his objective when his original plan fails.

Obito trapped beneath the boulder
Obito and Minato clash
Obito's love for Rin
Obito's wartime outfit
Obito using Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Obito using chains in his battle with Minato

Obito's Sharingan

Obito using his Space–Time Ninjutsu, Kamui
Obito's Rinnegan
Obito Uchiha

Friday, February 22, 2013




Zetsu is a member of Akatsuki and one of Obito Uchiha's most loyal subordinates. The black half is known as Black Zetsu, while the white half was known as White Zetsu.

White Zetsu, along with his many clone siblings, was created by Madara Uchiha, Like the rest of Madara's creations, White Zetsu was tasked with intelligence gathering before he and another spiral-patterned clone were entrusted with looking after the rehabilitating Obito Uchiha. 
When Madara was on the verge of death, he infused a part of his will into White Zetsu, which created the second personality, Black Zetsu.
the White Zetsu is carefree and playful with a habit of teasing others. Black Zetsu, however, is more serious and knowledgeable.


Zetsu, as a whole, has yet to be seen in battle. The technique he has been shown using the most is Mayfly, with which he merges with the ground to quickly travel to a new location.
This technique is ideal for Zetsu's function as a spy, as it erases his presence as well, and is an ability that both halves, as well as White Zetsu's clones, can use.
Being an artificial human, White Zetsu is able to survive without food or water and does not need to carry out normal human bodily functions. He can also telepathically communicate with other clones, as long as they are within a certain range.
Black Zetsu can "record" the things he sees, He is also capable of showing these "recordings" to Tobi through unknown means.


Zetsu merged with the ground