Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kakashi Hatake

Kakashi Hatake


Kakashi became more stern and serious after his father's death, he was also very aloof and apathetic to others especially his team-mate Obito who was always late for their missions and would come in tow with a grand excuse. This caused Obito to resent Kakashi, the dynamics between the two would soon change after Obito was mortally wounded during the Third Shinobi World War, with Kakashi and Obito becoming closer friends after Rin was abducted.

Though his childhood was riddled with numerous despairs that took those dear away from him, one being the death of Rin by his own hand, Kakashi is on the best terms with his childhood friends: Guy, Asuma, and Kurenai, his students and generally with everyone in Konoha to a lesser extent. His devotion to his friends and the rest of Konoha were the motivation to perfect both the Chidori, and its enhanced version Lightning Cutter.
After the formation of Team 7, Kakashi begins taking a special interest in his students' development, especially in the case of Naruto and Sasuke whose rivalry reminded him of his relation to Obito. 

Kakashi has an ongoing, albeit one-sided, somewhat childish rivalry with Guy. In trying to prove himself superior to Kakashi, Guy challenges him to competitions of questionable value ranging from Rock, Paper, Scissors to running races.

Kakashi is an avid fan of the "Icha Icha" series of novels by Jiraiya, revealing a perverted side. He is typically seen reading one of the books in his spare time, making it the only one of his reportedly several hobbies that is ever seen in the series. He even went and read it during his first bell test with the newly formed Team 7 as he deemed Naruto too weak of a threat. However, during the second bell test with Naruto and Sakura, Kakashi lost to his students when his love for the book series was used against him and he was forced into covering his ears and closing his eyes to avoid being told the ending of the latest instalment he had yet to read at the time.


1. Taijutsu

Kakashi is very adept in taijutsu. In the anime, as a child, he was skilled enough to draw out his sensei Minato Namikaze in his bell test, managing to touch one of the bells.
He has also impressive speed, his battle prowess and speed allow him to effectively catch his opponents off-guard to quickly strike them down and easily evade attacks.
His hand seal prowess has also been noted as being very great, able to perform them at highly difficult speeds to follow.

2. Ninjutsu

Kakashi primarily relies on his mastery of ninjutsu, of which he has a vast arsenal due to his Sharingan; being noted to have copied over a thousand techniques, the number has continuously been growing through his many battles. With this arsenal, he can attack or defend against his opponents in numerous manners. Kakashi is also able to summon a pack of "ninja hounds" to aid him in battle.

2.1 Nature Transformation

In addition to the enormous number of techniques he is purported to know, he is also proficient in several nature transformations. He has a natural affinity for Lightning Release, which he mastered before even becoming a jonin. It became so advanced that it is an attribute enemy ninja identify him by. His prowess with Water Release techniques is such that he can match specialists like Zabuza Momochi and perform them without a nearby water source. He has used Earth Release techniques, able to move fast and unnoticed underground or produce large and intricate earthen walls rather quickly. He has also shown considerable skill in Fire Release techniques, and he is otherwise at least knowledgeable enough to train others in Wind Release.

3. Genjutsu (Illusionary Techniques)

While used less often, he has also shown skill in genjutsu, His skill in its usage is able to easily deceive most opponents with well-timed diversions, giving his opponents little chance to counter.

4. Dojutsu (Eye Techniques)

4.1 Sharingan

Kakashi's most distinguishing ability is the Sharingan in his left eye-socket that was originally part of Obito Uchiha. Since the eye got transplanted into him, Kakashi's ability to copy nearly any technique used against him gave him the nickname "Copy Ninja Kakashi while utilising many of the Sharingan abilities including genjutsu, seeing through deception, and predicting his opponent's next move.

However, because he is not an Uchiha, Kakashi is unable to deactivate it, keeping it covered until needed so not to risk his Sharingan using up a massive amount of chakra that would force him to take an extended bed rest. Because of this, Kakashi only relies on it when he feels it is an absolute necessity.

4.2 Mangekyo Sharingan

Kakashi awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan after killing Rin Nohara, with it he can perform Kamui: a technique that creates a space-time barrier in the form of a swirling void that sucks any target he focuses his eye on to another dimension and also bring them back; even transporting them to a new location. Originally, Kakashi lacked proper control to accurately hit his target. His skill and aim later improved greatly, able to successfully warp small, fast-moving, or multiple targets in rapid succession as seen against Pain, and Sasuke respectively. Even Obito, who mastered his variation of Kamui, openly acknowledged Kakashi's great skill with the technique.

5. Intelligence

Repeatedly, Kakashi has proven himself to be a very shrewd and resourceful man. By a quite young age, Kakashi had enough experience on the battlefield to detect a hiding enemy's presence, impressing his sensei, Minato.
His instincts also allow him to calmly effectively perceive and react to any incoming danger.

Kakashi has also shown repeatedly to be a highly capable teacher. He has come up with various unorthodox methods to help his students produce impressive leaps in their abilities in weeks what would normally take months if not years of intense training.

The official team photo for Team 7
Kakashi's first use of Chidori
Kakashi's obsession with the Icha Icha series
Kakashi using Rasengan
Kakashi using Lightning Cutter
Kakashi's Sharingan
Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan
Kakashi's ninken
Kakashi vs Zabuza
Kakashi uses Kamui on Deidara in an attempt to remove his head
Kakashi vs Pain
Kakashi falls against Pain
Kakashi saves Sakura from Sasuke's attack

Kakashi Hatake

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