Saturday, January 26, 2013

Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki


Naruto is exuberant, brash, inattentive, and heedless to formality or social standings.

Naruto has a number of childish traits, like keeping his money in a chubby, green-frog wallet he affectionately calls "Gama-chan", being a very picky eater (he almost exclusively eats ramen and is a frequent customer at the Ramen Ichiraku), and being afraid of ghosts. He is also somewhat perverted, something he tends to be reprimanded for by Sakura Haruno and Iruka, but has only become even more so after meeting his mentor Jiraiya, causing many to say that Jiraiya raised a perfect replica of himself. However, whenever someone dear to him is in trouble or the situation calls for it, Naruto can be very serious, and will instantly try to come to their aid.

Sasuke's defection shocked Naruto to his core, but he never wavered in his resolve to bring him back to Konoha. When his teacher Jiraiya was killed in battle by the Akatsuki leader Pain, he vowed vengeance against the man and left Konoha for a time to train in sage techniques. Upon returning home after Pain destroyed the village and succumbing to rage, he met and spoke with his father, Minato , who explained to him the cycle of hatred and entrusted him with the duty of saving the ninja world from its hate. After listening to Nagato's story of how hatred can shape a person and the world into darkness, Naruto vowed he would end the cycle of hatred and bring peace to the ninja world. This decision however would come in direct opposition in his quest to bring Sasuke home, something that at first depressed him deeply. However after meeting again, Naruto resolved that if he had to, he would fight and potentially kill his friend to end the cycle of hatred and save Sasuke from despair, even if it costs his own life.

Dark Naruto

After Killer B refused to train Naruto, Motoi guided Naruto and Yamato to the Falls of Truth, the place where B trained to control Eight-Tails's power. He instructed Naruto to sit on a platform and close his eyes. Soon after, Dark Naruto, the manifestation of hatred that existed within Naruto's heart, appeared, berating Naruto for how quickly the people from Konoha changed their ideals about him. Dark Naruto exclaimed that Kurama liked him better and he was the real Naruto while Naruto was an imposter. They started to fight, but after a while, Naruto realised that they both had the same techniques, skills, and tactics. As a result, their fight was a draw and Naruto mentioned that if they continued like this, it would take a very long time to settle it.

He appeared once again after Naruto returned to the Falls of Truth. Instead of fighting, Naruto projected an image from his mind of his autograph signature that he was unable to give to the Konoha shinobi. This angered Dark Naruto, pointing out to Naruto that those people were part of the same villagers who made him suffer as an outcast, telling him that he shouldn't trust them. However, Naruto stated that he trusted the villagers because they were important to him, but what was also important was that he needed to have faith in himself, so he would have the strength to live up to the villagers' trust in him. Naruto's statement started to weaken Dark Naruto, then forcing him to ask what was the reason for his existence. Naruto stated that Dark Naruto was really him and thanked Dark Naruto for pushing him to be the person he was now. He hugged Dark Naruto when the latter tried to attack him, telling Dark Naruto that it was all going to be alright. Letting go of his own anger at their past, Dark Naruto's eyes lightened as he gave into Naruto's words, and disappeared.


Due to his friendly nature and his unique charisma, Naruto has built many relationships over the course of the series that have defined him and others, even tailed beasts and other jinchuriki. Many of these relationships started off antagonistic, but through his tenacity and empathy, they developed into deep and lasting friendships.


1Chakra Prowess

Being a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, Naruto inherited an incredibly strong life-force. This gives him extraordinary stamina and vitality, and by extension, an equally long potential lifespan.

2. Jinchuriki Transformations

Kurama's chakra first came to Naruto during life-threatening situations, given to him by the fox itself to ensure its survival, but after training with Jiraiya, Naruto learned how to contact Kurama and demand some of its chakra. Alternatively, Naruto could give into his anger or frustration, allowing Kurama to force its influence upon him. Depending on how much he gained, Kurama's influence within its chakra could make Naruto lose control of his senses, devolving into an animal that attacks anything within reach, as well as damaging his own body, slowly shortening his lifespan.

2.1 Nine-Tails Chakra Mode

The Nine-Tails Chakra Mode is a form that Naruto gained after he separated and sealed Kurama from its chakra. In this form, Naruto exhibits exceptional speed and strength. Naruto also gains Kurama's ability to sense negative emotions, something that not even the best sensor-type ninja can do. Naruto can even use the shroud to create chakra arms that he can use for greater range of attacks as well as giving him greater dexterity and manoeuvrability to his fighting style without the use of shadow clones.

3. Ninjutsu

3.1 Shadow Clone Technique

Although Naruto had trouble with the Clone Technique at the start of the series, he quickly learned how to use jonin-level techniques, like the Shadow Clone Technique and its large-scale version. The technique would become his first signature technique, one of the two foundations of his ninjutsu, and later, the base of his training skills. The Shadow Clone Technique takes advantage of the massive chakra reserve Naruto possesses due to him being Kurama's jinchuriki. Naruto is able to create upwards of a thousand clones, and retain a decent amount of chakra in each of them. Because of this, Naruto can use his shadow clones for virtually anything, from straight combat to speed training.

3.2 Summoning Technique

Naruto was first taught how to use the Summoning Technique by Jiraiya. After allowing Naruto to sign the summoning contract with the toads of Mount Myoboku, Jiraiya took Naruto through the execution of the technique in order to provide Naruto with allies in future battles. Additionally, Jiraiya's other motivation to teaching Naruto how to summon was to help Naruto to realise and take advantage of Kurama's chakra.

3.3 Rasengan

Created by the Fourth Hokage and taught to him by Jiraiya, the Rasengan is Naruto's second and strongest signature technique. While the Rasengan is a one-handed technique, Naruto required the use of two to form it due to his poor chakra control, thus using a clone to form the "shell" of the sphere. Despite this, Naruto has used the Rasengan effectively in almost every one of his fights after mastering it. The Rasengan holds an advantage over its counterpart, the Chidori, in only requiring chakra control to form, while the Chidori uses so much chakra that it can only be used a few times a day. Naruto has mastered the Rasengan to a degree that he can do it almost instantaneously. He is now able to create larger Rasengan without the use of natural energy or Kurama's chakra. After obtaining Tailed Beast Mode Naruto is able to perform the Rasengan without a clone, as well as being to form and wield a Rasenshuriken in each hand.

3.4 Collaboration Techniques

Collaboration Techniques entail techniques that are comprised of at least two or more techniques that, when initiated with the right timing, one will feed into each other to become a technique of greater power than the sum of its parts.

4. Senjutsu (Sage Technique)

With the strength of his chakra being so high, Naruto's training was able to expand to include the same senjutsu arts of his late sensei Jiraiya. He learned this in Mount Myoboku, showing an even higher aptitude for it than Jiraiya and ultimately learning how to perfectly enter Sage Mode. In order to achieve this, Naruto had to learn to sense and then gather the natural energy around him and perfectly balance it with his own chakra.

Naruto as a child
Dark Naruto
Naruto demonstrating one of his new Rasengan ninjutsu in his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode
Naruto using the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique
Naruto using the Summoning Technique
Naruto using the Rasengan
Naruto and Gamatatsu using their Wind Release: Toad Gun
Naruto in Sage Mode
Naruto preparing his Wind Release: Rasenshuriken
Naruto mourning Jiraiya's death
Naruto arrives to fight Pain
Naruto saves Sakura
Naruto hits the nine-tails with his super rasengan
Nine-Tails Mode
Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry during their childhood

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