Friday, February 22, 2013




Zetsu is a member of Akatsuki and one of Obito Uchiha's most loyal subordinates. The black half is known as Black Zetsu, while the white half was known as White Zetsu.

White Zetsu, along with his many clone siblings, was created by Madara Uchiha, Like the rest of Madara's creations, White Zetsu was tasked with intelligence gathering before he and another spiral-patterned clone were entrusted with looking after the rehabilitating Obito Uchiha. 
When Madara was on the verge of death, he infused a part of his will into White Zetsu, which created the second personality, Black Zetsu.
the White Zetsu is carefree and playful with a habit of teasing others. Black Zetsu, however, is more serious and knowledgeable.


Zetsu, as a whole, has yet to be seen in battle. The technique he has been shown using the most is Mayfly, with which he merges with the ground to quickly travel to a new location.
This technique is ideal for Zetsu's function as a spy, as it erases his presence as well, and is an ability that both halves, as well as White Zetsu's clones, can use.
Being an artificial human, White Zetsu is able to survive without food or water and does not need to carry out normal human bodily functions. He can also telepathically communicate with other clones, as long as they are within a certain range.
Black Zetsu can "record" the things he sees, He is also capable of showing these "recordings" to Tobi through unknown means.


Zetsu merged with the ground

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