Thursday, March 28, 2013

Shisui Uchiha

Shisui Uchiha


Shisui was noted to be one of the most talented members of the Uchiha clan. At some point in the past, he fought with Ao of Kirigakure who retained an acute memory of Shisui's chakra colour, as well as the Uchiha's ability to control others with his Mangekyo Sharingan's ability.

Shisui was best friends with Itachi Uchiha, who shortly after joining the ANBU began to act "oddly". Shisui was instructed by the Konoha Military Police Force to monitor Itachi because of this. Soon afterwards Shisui was found drowned in the Naka River with a suicide note stating that he was tired of carrying out the clan's duties. The police suspected that Itachi had murdered him and used his Sharingan to fake the suicide note, since Shisui was very devoted to the clan, and suicide would have been highly unusual and uncharacteristic of him. Itachi later told Sasuke Uchiha that he did in fact kill Shisui and forged the suicide note, all in order to awaken his own Mangekyo Sharingan.

However, Itachi would later reveal the truth behind the incident to his brother: Shisui was perplexed that the clan would not deter from the coup d'etat that they were planning and Shisui was greatly concerned with the consequences that would follow their actions. He told Itachi that he had tried to use Kotoamatsukami to stop them, but Danzo Shimura stole his right eye, adamant on protecting the village his own way. Fearing that Danzo would get his left eye as well, Shisui entrusted it to Itachi, telling him to protect both the village and the Uchiha name. In order to prevent conflict from arising over his eyes within the clan, Shisui made it appear as though he had crushed them before dying. He would later erase his existence, leaving no corpse behind. It would appear that Shisui's corpse had in fact disappeared, as even Kabuto Yakushi noted that he was unable to locate it. Shisui was one of Kabuto's prime candidates to be reincarnated.


1. Sharingan

Like many members of his clan, Shisui was a wielder of the Sharingan. Alongside his friend Itachi, he was praised for his mastery and sheer power in its use.

2. Mangekyo Sharingan

Shisui was one of the few members in the clan's history that was able to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan. It granted him access to powerful genjutsu techniques, the strongest of which was a unique genjutsu noted to be of the highest caliber: Koto-Amatsukami. This technique allowed him to enter a person's mind and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seem as if they were doing things on their own free will; the victim wouldn't even notice they were being manipulated.

This ability was so unique and powerful, that Tobi wanted it for himself and was angry that Danzo managed to destroy the eye before he died. Kabuto was also extremely thrilled when he learned that the remaining eye was within Itachi's crow. This genjutsu however, could only be used once a decade, unless the user had a way to augment the process such as with Hashirama Senju's cells, thereby drastically reducing the time required from ten years to only a few hours. Shisui's eyes were also seen as something of a treasure even within his own clan, as before his death he had to ensure that it looked like he had destroyed them before he had died, fearing it would end in conflict otherwise.

Mangekyō Sharingan Shisui
Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan's
Shisui's left eye implanted in a crow
shisui uchiha

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